Car Industry Scuttles Vehicle Data Sharing Negotiations
Media Releases
Oct 24, 2014
The AAAA shares how a body representing car makers and importers has dismissed negotiations for a voluntary code of conduct.
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) has called on the Government to introduce a mandatory code of conduct for vehicle data sharing after negotiations to establish a voluntary code of conduct between independent repairers and car companies have been scuttled by the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) – the body representing car makers and importers.
After many months of negotiations and with no prior notice, the FCAI recently released its own document titled ‘Voluntary Code of Practice - Access to Service and Repair Information for Motor Vehicles’. This is virtually the same draft ‘code’ that was categorically rejected by all other stakeholders when it was tabled by the FCAI at a negotiating meeting in February this year.
By releasing a unilateral code in the middle of these negotiations, the FCAI have treated Australian car owners, and the other stakeholders in the negotiations with contempt. to view the full article click here.